Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 pounds and shots

That is the difference between Lucas and Bridget...3 POUNDS!! I know this because today was his 3 year check up and she would not let him have all of the attention, so she was weighed and measured too.

Lucas is in the 120th percentile, measuring in the 4 year old's category. If he was 4 he would be in the 98th percentile for height. He is 40 inches! He weighs 35 pounds which is more than he was about 3 months ago, but he has grown in height so she assured me that it was normal. They did a knowledge test and they asked Lucas if he liked preschool because he knows 24/26 letters, their sounds and can count up to 20. I told them he has never been to preschool and the doctor was pretty shocked. Lucas then showed her that he could write his name (minus the a) and she was very impressed. He also told Dr. Campbell all about his firetruck party. I guess he really liked it! :)

Bridget weighs 38 pounds. Yes MORE than Lucas. Considering that he is 8 inches taller than her it seems as though we are waiting for her thinning out period, since she is as stalky as a boy at her age! Bridget looks like an eskimo above.

Scarlett is 14.2 pounds and 27 inches. She is progressing nicely. :) She did an awesome job with shots. I guess our girls have my pain tolerance, which means they can have two babies without an epidural and a c-section with a spinal and 1 Motrin! Hahaha.



Jen said...

Wow, she weighs more than Lucas - I love it!!! Your kids are adorable!!! I love Bridget's hat :)

*jess* said...

wow, you make some cute kids. :) i love how briget weighs more than lucas...priceless. i'm sure she'll love to know that tidbit when she's older. ;)

Danielle Smith said...

Nice, Bridget is 12lbs. more than Gwenie! Way to go Princess Chubs A-Lot!

Auntie Stef said...

Ewe you are talking to that bitch again? Ugh.

Laura said...

Isn't it fun to have a small baby? Kylie was tiny forever and I LOVED it. It's so crazy how very different they all are!

Druciana said...

Holy Cow! Noel weighs 35 lbs., and she will be 4 in November. I was told she was big for her age as a girl when she had her check up.

Your kids are so cute!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.