Thursday, July 16, 2009

Baby Garli-tt

Bridgey-Lou is getting better at saying her sister's name. It is now Garli-tt, instead of Garlic. Cute. Well, I had to show this to my family, and I thought, I will post it to everyone. Believe it or not, Cory and Liz bought this shirt not the nerds at Nathan's office. Weird. But cute. Here is the video...(did I mention that Nathan is ALWAYS a goof?)

And here is my baby. I am enjoying her more than the others, except that she is a movin and a shakin way too fast for me. She can already army scoot to where she wants to go. I loved and enjoyed the other two but I wanted them to hurry up and grow and hit milestones and Scarlett I am waiting patiently and enjoying the everyday. Partly because the other two don't need me anymore...*sniff* oh well. Here is the latest pic of my sweet lil' red head.
She is my red head because Lucas will tell you he has orange hair!


*jess* said...

baby "garlitt" is adorable...that smile!! ahhh. too cute.

Jami said...

I keep wondering why Quin isn't doing these things, too... my other kids did them at about this time (they were both sitting up about now, too) but then I read recently (and a couple times before, I think) that babies with colic tend to be a little later in some milestones. I wondered why at first, but now I see it's because I could never really put him down for long to even try to do these things without him screaming. Fun stuff. So glad I'm getting past all that. I've been using the Bumbo a lot, though, and he does really well in it. So, hopefully he can "catch up". ;) I so love reading about your cutie kids and totally regret not meeting them on the 4th. I wish we'd have gone without A & T. Oh, well. Someday, right? :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.