Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Big Dry Creek - Strong Like Bull

Today we went to the Big Dry Creek Park and it is one of the neatest parks out here. Here are some shots of just the park...

It is great for all ages including 5 and up. It's play ground is covered by canvas, so a lot of the area is shaded. There is a little woodchip/sand area with swings and a see saw and a little table to play in. Lucas climbed the wall all by himself.

And they had 4 of these spinny things that everyone seemed to like...

They had two different see-saws, this one was so cool...

Jeanette and Katie came with their kids, and it was nice to have little ones for Bridget to play with. Lucas played with the older kids there, and it was really warm.
I pulled out the water guns so they could cool off. Bridget and Keegan tried to squirt each other, but their hands are too little.

Bridget never ceases to amaze me, this chick is so strong. I look over at Lucas who is shouting "look at me" on this tower of rope thing and then I see Bridget getting on it all by herself, I had to physically remove her from this device because she wouldn't get off of it. She even cried because she was not ready to get off.

Jeanette and I discovered this magic 8 ball thing too...

Nick and Alli and Keegan were so cute Bridget was too of course, but it was just nice to talk while the kids played.

Scarlett was cracking jokes the whole time. It was great!

Did I mention they had a sprinkler area? Just kidding, it was so hot all the kids had fun running in the water, especially Nick and Alli!

Lucas just liked getting wet! Hahaha.
The picture of the day is...
Bridget and Alli were DRENCHED! Jeanette, Katie and I were laughing so hard that we weren't paying attention and we were sprayed too! Alli got the worst of it...

It was a hot and fun time at park day. I love that our ward picks great parks to go to even if some of them are a little drive, you have to get in your car anyway so why not go to a great park?

Scarlett was OUT!
I'm thinking we might have to do a Witte activity at this one, because it had all the amenities right there, a bathroom, a pavilion 3 actually. Plenty of parking and lots of places to play. Thanks Katie for adding this one to the list on my behalf!


Abigail BBC said...

Wow, I wish I lived in Colorado just so I could go to the park. It seems like where you live the sun is always shining!

You take great pictures.

Elena A said...

Where is this park??? It dose look like a lot of fun!!! I'll have to take Conrad and JoJo there:)

Veronica said...

That looks so fun. Let's go sometime. I have some questions for the magic ball thing. Also, do you think we are too big for that seesaw thing?

Mellisa S said...

Where is that park? It looks like so much fun. If your ward won't go there wit you I will!

The one and only Greatest Auntie they have...Steph said...

You know what I say? Screw some of those people in your ward who want to be BORING and go to BORING and LAME parks. Good choice on that one it looks so cool. Next time I come out we will go.

You get so many comments on your blogs, it makes me want to start my own. hahahaha

Send my little ones hugs and kisses. 8 days until the party and 13 days til hes 3!!! I can't wait to see his face when he opens our family's awsome presents!

Katie said...

Such a fun park! Thanks for letting me know about this one! I love the pictures!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

It is on 128th between huron and zuni! No one wanted to go, but it was a GREAT park!

MGH said...

Where is this park? I think it would be a great place to take my son.

Courtney said...

I am so sad that I worked on tues. night. I really wish that I could have taken Lindsey to this park-it looks like sooo much fun!! I think we should plan a day to go again sometime.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.