Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friday thru Sunday

I didn't know Nathan was not working on Friday until Thursday morning. I was actually complaining that he never gets any of the holidays off when he told me that he had the 4th off and I said everyone does, its on a Saturday and he said if the banks are closed on Friday then I am off too. I was excited. I let him sleep in till 7:30am, where we packed the kids in the car and started our errands...
The usual weekender stores...Lowe's, Walmart, Sam's then we came home and started on project is a preview...

but before I get into that project I want to add that Nathan and I like to play tricks on each other and put Scarlett in Lucas's clothes and hand her to eachother saying something like..."Here take Lucas" and it is so weird because...often, we find ourselves doing a double take. See here:

Lucas at 4 months, and Scarlett 3 days shy of 4 months. These were my favorite jammies that Lucas ever had. I just wanted to share that.

After a full day of said project we had chicken quesadillas because I was too tired from painting, and Nathan decided to make the best quesadillas ever. Trust me, they were so good, the pans, and dishes he used are still all over the kitchen! Whatever.

We were supposed to go to Arvada but it poured Friday night so that didn't happen.

Saturday morning. The Arvada Stake always does a pancake breakfast, and you won't believe it there is a great attendance! Ahem. Anyway, I thought I was going to meet up with a few people I knew, but they didn't come and instead people from the Singles Ward and 5th ward that we knew where oohing and aahing over our kids. It was great. President Lewis at one point thought I had 6 kids, because I had all of the Witte babes around me, I assured him that we only had 3 in 2.5 years and he seemed relieved? Haha.

This is Lucas's first of three plates...he ate 6 pancakes and 2 whole sausages!

After breakfast we played with the frisbee that we brought and the one that RV brought.

They had fun with Grandpa Witte. Elijah was practicing TaiChi.

Chris tried to scare the little ones and Bridget was game. Noah was throwing to Nathan who was sick of the game playing and ready for some serious frisbee, Noah was the only one who complied.

Lucas thought this was tackle frisbee. I am still trying to search the rules on the internet.

Lucas and Noah playing nicely.

Here is Scarlett with Grandma Witte, she was tired but didn't want to miss any of the story.
After the Breakfast we went to Veronica's to play for a bit. It was great fun. Then I met Nathan and Ryan back at the Witte's to see how the deck was coming along.

I laugh at this picture because everyone seems to be so in their element. Hahahaha.
After Ryan left, Chris and Megan (Chris's super cool girlfriend) made my kids chicken fight.

Just Kidding.
We had a delicious BBQ dinner including grilled corn(my way) and then pies! YUM-O!
Before we left Bridget wanted to make sure her Daddy did a good job.

We tried to rush home so we could see the fire works but the kids fell asleep before we even started driving home! So at 9pm we put the kids in their beds and watched the amazing show on our street. We have never in the 4 almost 5 years we have lived in our house seen the fireworks on our street. It was truly spectacular. Our next door neighbor a.k.a "Hiro" from Heroes the show...made me see fireworks in a whole new light. Everytime one would go off he would comment "That was really beautiful" or "Wow, that some loud sound" (he is asian)
We would laugh at eachother and then he let me do some bottle launchers and I even got to do some sparklers with their kids. My parents NEVER let me do it as a kid. Our neighbor was nice enough to give us a box of sparklers for our little ones who were sleeping. I am saving them for FHE tomorrow. It was a great weekend. How about yours?


Liz and Cory said...

Sounds so fun! We miss you, we are thinking of maybe showing up in D-town around the day before my B-day for a few days. What do you think? You will be around right? Cory and I just can't wait another year to meet Scarlett and see the other little ones.

Natalie said...

Holy Cow, I guess we know what Scarlett will look like in a couple years!

Veronica said...

These are so cute! Send me copies of the ones with my kiddos in them if you have time! I love the colors of Lucas' room, it looks great!

Abbey said...

Wow, Scarlett is such a beautiful baby. Bridget and Noah look related but she looks like Lucas too. Its nice to see families getting together on good BBQ holidays!

Jessi Breun said...

I hope Natalie meant cute, we know she will be cute. :)

Jami said...

Huh, I wonder who ditched you...................... Their loss, I'm sure. ;)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.