Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gym Socks, an inspiration

I don't know who this dude is, but when I googled gym socks this image was the first to come up. And you know what it looks a lot like this...
Enjoy the BIG REVEAL of his new room! Minus 2 pictures that I am putting up tonight.
He has firetruck sheets...
and other little firetruck details throughout!
This is Lucas's new big boy room...because he is 3! Today! We did the usual singing to him in the morning...Here is ONE, here is TWO and here is THREE. (Scarlett is laughing in the THREE video) Nothing could have prepared us for the emotions that we felt the day he was born, and now the handsome and sweet lil' man he has become today. Last night we did cake and candles and this is a video we had to post...

Happy 3rd Lukie Lao!
This is me 3 years ago...
This was my LARGEST pregnancy. I was smaller with the girls...weird.

I didn't realize his room looked like Gym socks till it was all done, and you know what...
I REALLY LIKE IT! How about you?


Angie BBC said...

I think it looks great! I am jealous that I don't have a house to paint myself yet. I don't think you look that big in that pregnancy picture either. That cake looks delicious too.

The Halls said...

It looks fantastic! Happy 3rd to Lucas!

The Cleverley's said...

That is insanely cool. Where do you find the time to paint like that? I'm still just trying to get my walls covered in ONE color after three years living here!

Sarah G said...

The room looks great!! I love how in each video there's a new baby :) Absolutely adorable! Happy bday Lucas!

Veronica said...

I love it!! AND what a fun cake. Happy birthday Lukie Lau!

Kathy said...

His room turned out super cute. I like the gym socks look.

Druciana said...

The room looks great!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.