Monday, July 13, 2009

A Letter to my 3 year old!

My Sweet Lucas,

Words cannot even convey how much we love you! Your sweet smile, big hugs, willing kisses and your seriousness for life make every day the best day ever.

You are so kind and don't understand why people need to be mean about things, and I really need to say that I love that about you. You are so smart and so willing to please anyone around you and when you don't get your way you usually aren't nasty about it, you just want to know why. You are the light in your father and my lives. We always tell each other how much we love you, and how lucky we are to have you in our lives.

You love to sing to yourself and seem to always have a song going in your head that you’re ready to burst out at any moment. I love how you get mad that Bridget doesn't know the words to your songs. You sing the Alphabet song ALL day to calm down Scarlett, just like we did to you when you were a baby. We like to show off your huge brain to others.

You are so loving and affectionate to your parents. Multiple times a day you say to me, “Mommy (pause), I Love You, so much”. It is SOOO sweet and it makes my day every time you say it to your dad or me. You are so compassionate to your sisters, hugging them when they are sad or whispering to them that it will be okay. Anytime they want to read a book, you are so happy to accommodate.

You have lots of friends and cousins and love to play with them. Everyone likes you, you are so easy to get along with. Even the parents of your friends think you are a sweet little boy.

You’re the busiest little bee and you don’t like to just sit around and do nothing. You have to be exploring or reading or very quickly running away from me and dad. Life is so exciting to you and you don’t want to miss a moment of it. You love to know what's going on and we love that about you. You always seem to "Have a job you've got to do" and you really like to fix things, like Daddy.

You have always been so obedient. If we tell you why you can't do something that is usually enough. Like potty training, once we explained it to you, you got it in 3 days! Through the night even! You always follow the rules and are always telling your sister, "We have to follow the rules Bridget!"

You’re super funny. You love to be a part of the laughter even if you don't know why something is funny. Watching any sitcom is funnier because you are laughing with the laugh track.

You’re SUCH a good big brother, and you welcomed Bridget and Scarlett into our home with big kisses and lots of hugs. You can’t get enough of them. You love to lay on the floor with them and give them high fives and kisses. Luckily after Bridget choking on raisins you have stopped giving babies food.

I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since you were born. These 3 years have truly been the best of your daddy’s and I life. We love you, our little Lukie Lao, and can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives with you.

Love, Mommy and Daddy

So instead of "I two, I two" you can now say "I am three!"


Liz and Cory said...

AHHHH So cute.

ElenaA said...

You are such a sentimental softie. If only Mike could see you now. Hahaha.

Brittney and Michael said...

Sweet letter for a sweet little boy.

Abbey said...

That color looks great on him. He seems older to me than 3 by the way.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.