Wednesday, October 8, 2008

11 and 1

This is not what I was planning on talking about today. I have an 11 month old and 1 kid in diapers. I thought for sure I would have 3 in diapers come this March but Lucas has really surprised me lately on the whole potty training front. He doesn't want me to go in, he doesn't want me to ask, he just wants to do it himself. I am fine with this, but a little sad at the same time. I tried and tried and he finally informed me that he doesn't like the briefs with the characters on them he likes the boxer briefs so he can be big boy like daddy. Fine I said, and off we went to get him some big boy undies. I guess they are much easier since he has to wear a 3T and is so skinny. The other undies would just slip right off! :) hehehe He is so cute just lounging around in them, I love it. I am proud of my 2.3 year old!
I was a little worried about all of these extra undies that I bought that he now doesn't like, but I have found that my 11 months old has figured out what to do with them...
She has become such a cutie lately. She was trying them on, and playing with them, and I guess I can call it dress up? Haha I am just kidding. I have so many cute jammies for her to wear, but when she sees the DINOSAUR jammies in the drawer she always wants to wear them. I guess Lucas did get a little brother after all! :) I mean her first word besides mom and dad was Bob, as in Bob the builder! Hahahaha


Laura said...

So funny! Maddi does that too. She gets all of Kylie's undies out of the pile when I'm folding laundry and puts them on her legs and arms. It always cracks me up.

Jen said...

Way to go Lucas! What a big boy!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.