Wednesday, October 29, 2008

He came home?

Nathan has been out of town, and for some reason my kids have decided to strike.
*Both my kids are GREAT sleepers, always have been but since Nathan left, Bridget decided to gash her head in the back (blood everywhere), so she didn't sleep well, and then she slammed her head pretty badly on the coffee table right before nap, so lets just say she didn't nap today.
*Lucas has decided to get up every other hour at night and check on me in my bed. He isn't crying, he isn't talking he is just checking for Daddy. You are all thinking aww how sweet, well this would be fine if:
1) It wasn't Halloween week and every show seems to be extra scary. So I am already on edge
for having to sleep alone!
2) I could get to bed by 10pm - 2 nights now I went to bed at 1AM DANG - TCM channel!
3) He didn't breathe like a vampire at night (it is so thick sounding I can't put letters to it)
So imagine to my surprise when I stay up watching CSI and wake up to breathing in my face at 3am this morning. Let's just say Lucas was just as scared as I was after I screamed really loudly at his BIG BROWN EYES, and heavy breathing this morning.
*I managed to get the kids down for nap after our one of many horrible nights, when I get a phone call from Nathan who says his flight was cancelled in Alabama! My reaction was almost as loud as it was this morning!
*I was really upset and ate 4 mini snickers candy bars from Lucas's candy bag, when I decided to just give up and watch my CBS shows from the previous night (love on demand) I was really bitter and angry inside when this rush of heartburn hits me and I can't find a stinkin' TUMS in my house. I am digging in the medicine cabinets looking in the drug drawer when my cell phone rings. (It rang because during this time I was on my house phone with Danielle complaining) When I scream really loud and say yeah I love you! Nathan got a direct flight home and instead of being home at 8:30 he was going to be home at 4! I couldn't believe it, was it the prayer I didn't say or the snickers bars that were now burning into my throat? Well, I guess I will never know, but one thing I do know is that Nathan who feels really bad about my past 4 days picked up the kids and took them to the park. Isn't he great? (I feel like TAMN people!)

Here are some pics...Bridget also said some words today "Duck, and Quack, Quack" These were Lucas's first animal words too...CRAZY!Sorry I don't like to vent on my blog, (that is why I have vonage) but I just felt like I needed to get it all out there! Thank You and Good Night!


Hannah said...

I don't mind reading a "vent". It makes me feel like my life isn't the only one that isn't going great at times. I'm glad your husband came home early!! Yea for wonderful surprises!!

Danielle Smith said...

Oh man! Not only do I have to HEAR you whine on the phone I have to read it too? Gosh! JK, I loved that you gave props to me and to the vonage! It gave me a warm fuzzy!!

Chaney said...

How is Bridget's head? Hopefully better! Glad to hear your honey is home. Yea for not having to sleep alone!!

Jen said...

All I have to say is...I love reading your blog, vent or not :)

Cardon Times said...

NO FUN! I am so sorry. Boyd has never been a good sleeper, so I can relate on some level. I hope they sleep better now that Daddy is home. Yeah for direct flights!

Melanie said...

Bless your heart! I am SO sorry. There is nothing OK about kids that don't sleep. And heartburn on top of it. . . insult to injury.

I'm glad Nathan is back.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.