Monday, October 20, 2008


On the street where we live there are a ton of beautiful trees changing colors, and now have leaves that have finally started to fall. In fact, just the other day we all went to check the mail and our hot firefighter across the street was raking his leaves. Lucas sat and watched him on the side walk and he yelled over at us..."All of these leaves and no one to play in them!" Lucas looked back at me and I shook my head no, because we were waiting for Nathan to come home so we could go to Sam's Club. We came home and looked at all of the naked trees on my street and noticed something...

OUR tree's leaves are STILL GREEN! We have no leaves really falling, maybe a few here and there but nothing like everyone else! Here is a picture of my neighbors trees...
and ours
Poor Lucas and Bridget wanted so badly to play in the leaves so I let them just rake some and play in them but it was a such a sad little pile. He even insisted on wearing his Fireman hat to be just like Brian across the street.
They took turns raking and then Lucas wanted to ride his bike, which...HE can do ALL by himself!Then Bridget wanted a turn so Nathan pushed her like a crazy man all over the place which made her happy. When it was time to go inside we collected the leaves and then went to get the rake when I hear Lucas say "Oh No!" I look over and Bridgey is bleeding all down her face, she had fallen on the rake! She wasn't crying just had her tongue out like she does when she concentrates, like she was going to bring it to us. It was so cute and sad all at the same time. Poor thing, I promised the kids that once the leaves really start to fall we will make a mountain and play all day in the leaves, that made Lucas happy! Bridgey didn't really care, she just wanted to go inside to eat dinner! :)
And thanks to Danielle for this delicious Chicken Pasta Dish...Bridget and Lucas ate 3 bowls! I'd say she looks FAT and HAPPY what do you think?


The Cleverley's said...

We feel your pain. Our trees haven't lost leaves yet either. The whole neighborhood is covered in leaves. Our house still looks like mid July? Maybe we have kid resistant trees....

Danielle Smith said...

Hurrah for the Spaghetti Chicken "Bake!" What a shame the hot fireman didn't give you some of his sexy leaves for your kids to play in. You and I already discussed the leaves in Utah, which never ever change until the week of Halloween. Then they are gone very quickly because the mexican lawn care man mows them up. I plead and cry for him to stop, but alas, he does not, for he does not know English. And all I know is rojo and azul...

Jami said...

I love love love this picture of spaghetti-faced Bridget! I wish I could meet her, her face says so much about her personality, I bet she's just the cutest little stinker ever! Our leaves are quite the opposite of yours... they fall off so early, we think our trees are dead. But, they keep coming back, so it's all good.

Auntie V said...

I love Briggy's hair. It makes me smile.

Kandi said...

Val! The next time your hot firefighter neighbor wants someone to play in his ME!
;-) I love these pictures, let's get the kids together soon!

Emily S. said...

HOW does her hair get that way??? LOL!!!

She does look TOTALLY content and happy with the world!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.