Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Treat

This morning we opened our door to this!
A special treat from our ward's neighborhood treat phantom! They did this last year at Christmas time, but this year I guess they are starting early! :) I thought Sunday's session would be a perfect time to make, bake and decorate cupcakes for the two houses we are supposed to hit by Tuesday, so that is what Lucas and I did today.

He was very excited to sport his new apron! This one is from Auntie Steph. He loves to cook and clean so this was a perfect little suprise gift for him! :)
He wanted to make chocolate cakes with wite frostin', so we did and in honor of Noggin's October song we topped them with Candy Corn.
Lucas assured me that he needed to taste 2 cakes to make sure they were all okay. I thik they turned out pretty cute.
And now for the song...
I dedicate this song to Bridget and Gwendolyn Smith, who this song mostly applies to! :)


Karin said...

I LOVE candy corn...only around Halloween...Ellie Ann doesn't like Candy Corn. I wonder if it is an aquired taste?!?!?! Liked the song.
Cute cupcakes!

ஐ*¨KRiSta¨*ஐ said...

Valerie you are so creative! Lucas is so cute...he seems like such a sweet little guy. <3 the cupcakes they are cute.

Danielle Smith said...

I want cupcakes! Gwendolyn was absolutely touched by your dedication. She watched the video and wept as she smiled at it, using her hand to wipe the tears from her soft rosy cheeks...


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.