Friday, October 24, 2008


Noah, Lucas's older but not taller cousin turned 3, well is turning 3 on the 30th. So to celebrate Ryan and Veronica invited us to White Fence Farms on Wednesday night.

Besides me being a half an hour late which NEVER happens because I am always early, long story involving a cop and a four almost five car accident! Yikes! We arrived to the Farm and walked to the Chicken Coop to pick out our dinner for the night...JUST KIDDING : )
Bridget really liked letting the fall air blow through her thin hair!

before we went in I caught Elijah in a mini moment...
Then we went inside to eat a yummy dinner and picked out a cool prize from the Tresure Chest. The cost for a prize was one wooden nickel...
Then we went through the gift shop and tried on a few hats...I love this one of Noah :)
Look at my Nathan and my cute :)
On we went to the petting the animal portion of the evening...
Lucas was so excited to see the animals,Bridget had no problems "grabbing the bull by it's horns"
She must get that from me...Haha or my family in general...LOL
A cute tractor picture before we left. It was a fun little night, and I am glad we went and I am glad Veronica liked my present, even if Noah won't like it till he's trapped inside with nothing to do...oh well. :) Happy 3rd Noah! Here's to 3x3x3x3 more (that equals 81) not that I am limiting you to 81 years of age... Love, Auntie Val


Jen said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Wowie...Noah is 3...I can never say enough how time flies! And I love your new header - adorable!

C&R Phillipps said...

Cute new background. How do you get that header on your page? It's so cute. We went to White Fence Farm once and my kids loved it too! Did you go down the pig slide?

Auntie V said...

Thank you Val. What a cute post!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.