Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crazy in Love - Beyonce

No explanation, just another song title that fits! :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

- Panic at the Disco -

Lately names of bands, or even titles of songs have really summed up my days, so Panic at the Disco seemed fitting for today. I had Keegan and a project lined up for the day so we started early left the house at 9...dropped off some library books stayed for the morning toddler book time in Broomfield...picked up my batteries and charger from Desi's and we came home for lunch and nap. We packed up the van at 2 and went to the Reunion Building where they have a huge open field full of sunflowers - just begging to be picked! :) I picked up one giant stem with about 9 blooms on it put it in the van and started driving home when all of a sudden 7 LADYBUGS just start swarming throughout my minivan. EVERYONE was screaming except Keegan and Bridget who were laughing (so basically Lucas and I were screaming) I pull over and open EVERY door of the minivan and unbuckled everyone to help shoo them out.
I was not happy.
Then we get home and I call my sister to tell her about the Minivan incident and prep for the art project when I see a FREAKING HUGE bug WITH WINGS on my wall. I am wincing and whining and she tells me to get a glass cup and capture it (like we did with crickets when we were little) and I tell her...
I can't. It's moving. It's on the ceiling. What should I do?
My genius kicks in and I think I will spray it with the water hose, like Lucas did to Bridget. Well, I do it (with her on the phone) and it starts flying and I SCREAM, I mean like horror movie SCREAM and I am jumping and spraying all over my kitchen wall - curtains - window - name it. I finally capture it into a cup for my husband to squish later when I turn around and see Lucas, Bridget and Keegan under the kitchen table with their fruit snacks, SCARED as much at me as I was of that STINKING BEAST of a bug. I grab the kids give them all hugs and Keegan rubbed my head and the entire time my sister...oh sweet sister is DYING from LAUGHTER on the phone.
I was not happy.
Here is my face.
Sometimes, I panic.

The End.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hips Don't Lie - Shakira

This baby has been giving us a run for our money over the past two weeks. She didn't have the classic signs for anything, but was extremely fussy and whiny. I thought growth spurt, nope. Teething, nope. Tired, Nope. Hungry, Nope. I was so frustrated and concerned all at the same time and then I noticed something weird. She wasn't using her left leg. She would fake use it in the jumper, she crawled with it straight and when she was sitting up she leaned to the right side. Her appointment was on Thursday so I thought 2 days isn't that big of a deal. Thursday cam and the doctor told me she dislocated her hip. Well her leg and sent us to radiology. The problem was that it was 38 outside, I had all of my kids and only packed 2 fruit snacks!

We managed to get there okay but Scarlett just cried and cried, and she is such a happy baby. The radiologist sent us to The Children's Hospital to see the Hip Specalist on Monday.

Friday came and after a beautiful funeral for a sweet baby in our ward we brought the Rogers some comic relief. Dinner and a break - since her husband was out of town. On the way home we had to go to the ER because her leg swelled up into a GIANT balloon (right where her hip was having problems) I thought if Dr. Campbell hadn't messed with it she would have been fine, but no they gave her something to reduce the swelling she was not fussy after that.

Saturday and Sunday were weird she wasn't crying just not herself, and today was the appointment. Her Joint popped back into place but there is a mini hairline fracture in her pelvis and the ball joint is rubbing on it. It is already healing so in a week or so she will start physical therapy and hopefully her legs will be the same size.

How did this happen? They think it was from birth She was in pike position for 4.5 days when I got to the hospital I was already a 5-6cm dilated so that is one of the reasons she was a C-Section. She isn't crying now, and so far all I have given her is Motrin. They will access her hips in 6 weeks after 2 more injections, but they are pretty sure she will be just fine. Just uncomfortable for 2 months. So until then she will be doing a lot of this... assumption is that so will her daddy. :)



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Friday, September 25, 2009

Better than a Card

Here Auntie Steph - this one's for you...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

41 degrees and counting

We had Scarlett's 6 month check up today, I tell the kids to get their clothes on and meet me at the door. I promised the kids they could wear their snow jackets and snow boots because I knew it would be cold. Lucas asked if he could wear his new sweatshirt that Grandma Horn bought for him and I agreed as long as he was ready to go when the time came. I load everyone up and see my kids running outside...

All I could see what little boxer briefs and "miderman boots" (Bridget)
I scream out "Lucas where are your jeans?" He says I just really wanted to see the 41 degrees! I said "It is freezing outside where is your beanie?" Oh mom they are right next to my jeans, and I don't need them anyway I have my new hoodie and my boots! "You need pants Lucas" I say and he gives me this face...
You got it mom!
Bridget said "My picture please!"
So I took one and chased them inside. My kids are so crazy!
I love the fall.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Veronica and the boys met me at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science for an escape from the freezing rain yesterday. We had a lot of fun in the Space section of the museum...
Then we went to the Hall of Life exhibit, which was brand new and really awesome if you are older than 5, a lot of the stations you had to sit still for so that they could test you and with 5 kids under 4 it was a little tough but the best part was the 11 minute video which was all interactive and really fun. It even snowed in the room!
There was also a toddler area and everyone like that too!
Then we had lunch and went home before it started to dump again! I took the kids to Nathan's office to surprise him and he loved the attention the kids got. Lucas found a folding chair and was walking around the office saying "Watch out I have the jaws of life!" It was so funny!

I am glad we went and it was really fun to hang with the cousins again, we sure missed them a lot!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


The summer just came and went. A lot of our summer this year was spent with friends because Nathan travels all summer. We went to museums and parks and play dates, but mostly we hung out back...
I am not complaining, in fact I love it this way. I try not to run all of my errands with my kids because its not fair to them, so I worked out a little swap with my neighbor and was able to grocery shop or hit Target and such alone, it went a lot faster and I was more productive with sticking to a list. Lucas had a birthday this summer. Bridget's isn't far behind and this summer although I didn't get to go everywhere on my list we did just have a lot of fun spending time together. Scarlett has started really crawling and she is barely six months, everyone around me is growing soooo fast!
This boy is so crazy. :) With the summer being "gone" as my kids call it, Fall in Colorado is coming and it is my most favorite time of year. We started our fall with Soccer. I am the coach and so far we have only lost 1 game and it was the first. Yesterday Lucas scored and was so proud of himself. Nathan got a few great shots FINALLY! So here are a few of these...
Lucas is the 3rd youngest in the league. There are 14 teams of 8 and that is a lot of kids. He had a hard time the first game due to lack of sleep and because he has never played a team sport before. The second game he did better but this week (the one week Robert was out of town) he played and showed a lot of skills that I had never seen before. He was also a really good team player.

I have learned a lot about my children this summer and am looking forward to the fall so our family can have more time to be together and play and laugh. Sorry this is a weird blog, but after our wards HUGE service project yesterday I have been feeling so reflective on my life and where I am in it. I am grateful for my family my friends and my ward friends and family without them I would lead such a sad and different life.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Squeaky Clean

After having a fun dinner with Jeanette and Keegan I packed the kids in the van and went home and threw everyone in the tub. I realized how funny it was that whenever I take Scarlett out of the tub she is staring in the mirror. Then I remembered pictures we took of Lucas and Bridget when they were 6.5 months in front of the mirror so we did it with Scarlett too. It is so funny how much babies like to look in the mirror. Enjoy.
This one is so you can see her hair is coming in so red. :) (above)
I love this one so much (above)
Oh, and this one too (above)
This is my baby...drool and all.

I now see this green wall and I don't like it. I think I am going to repaint it the next time Nathan leaves, a while you were out surprise! :)

Here is a little comparison of the 3 kids at the same age...
Cute huh? Here is the link to last years photo shoot.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

After the soccer game where we killed (13-3) the other team, and after primary practice, and even after getting home too late - this happened...
The clouds just opened up and poured. Don't get me wrong the entire morning was only 41 degrees and my soccer kids were frozen by the end of the game and we knew it would come, just not to the extent that it did. It rained for 3 hours. My house was so cold we almost turned on the heater, but instead I grabbed my babies and snuggled under a blanket and ate popcorn with them at 4pm.
(My kids are pigs in case you were wondering)
They couldn't stop shoving their faces for one second to even smile for their daddy. :)
I wanted to catch up on Project Runway but we watched Tinker Bell instead. It was so nice and cozy. We were so full from the popcorn, that Nathan waited to make dinner until 6:45pm. (Nathan makes dinner on Thursdays and Saturdays) We had pancakes and they were so good. I love footie jammies and pancakes for dinner. :) We are so boring huh?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

6 months

I can't believe she is 6 months already. It makes me sad that she is growing up so fast.
She has been sitting up for a month, scooting/crawling for about 3 weeks, only likes the green veggies - HATES applesauce and loves to laugh.

I don't know the percentages but I know the stats because we had to get her checked for something last week she is 29 inches, and 19 pounds. Shots in two weeks so we will see the official stuff.

I love this babe.

Fort Collins Adventure (day three)

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Monday was our last day in Fort Collins and we tried going to the Petting Zoo but every map had a different address and the phone number was wrong on their website, so we hit up downtown one more time after breakfast and then hit the Shops at Centerra and the Loveland Outlets where I spent way too much money on fall/winter stuff for the kids, but EVERYTHING was on sale for Labor day and so it was justified in my head. :) On our way out of Fort Collins we stopped by the Colorado Visitors Center where everyone asked how old my twins were. I just smiled and said they are just close in age but not twins. THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK ALIKE PEOPLE! Whatever. We went on a little hike and then hit the road.

We spent less that $65 on this entire trip (including gas and excluding my shopping today) and it was so much fun. I am so grateful to my husband who really did an awesome job planning this vacation and really spent all of his time with the kids. It was more a vacation for me to sit back and relax and him to get down and dirty with the kids and I love him for that!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fort Collins Adventure (day two)

Sunday morning we were hoping to have a relaxed and relatively chill start to the day but the kids just couldn't contain themselves...
So we had a bed jumping contest. Bridget even attempted to jump from bed to bed. Scarlett just squealed with excitement. It was pretty cute. After all of the fun we got dressed and went to breakfast.

It was weirdly foggy for 8:30am but we decided to continue on our day. Our first stop was the Swetsville Zoo. A cool and free little place right off the freeway.
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The kids LOVED this place. We were there for about an hour!
We also considered buying a new bike for our ever growing family...
Except there is no way we could make it to California on this thing!

After that it was time for our next stop...
Fossil Creek Park
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This park was awesome. It had plenty to do for all ages and Nathan even had a great time!

We decided to drive up to Horsetooth Reservoir, which was such a pretty drive and we got out to stretch our legs and feel the water.
We were upset we didn't stay longer but it was time for lunch and nap. So we packed everyone up and went back to the hotel...I surprised the kids with a picnic lunch in bed! They thought this was so cool!
We put the kids down for nap at 12:45 (which is later than normal) and I got some squishy time with Scarlett.
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Then my baby passed out.
After nap we went to a local elementary school and flew some kites! They were a dollar at Walmart a few months ago!
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The kids had fun but saw the playground and ran over to it, so Nathan manned the kites.
I watched him and looked down and noticed this...
I think its time to buy a new car seat!
We went to Chili's for dinner and our total cost for day #2 was $26.34
Our hotel was free again because Nathan earns points for all of his travel and so we were able to use them for this particular trip. Another perk to his work travel schedule!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.