Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bad Choices

Today while I went to check the mail Lucas asked if he could come with me since everyone else was still taking a nap. I said sure and as I walk past my tree Super Hot Fireman Brian opens his garage.

This seems to happen to me EVERY time I go outside and I am not complaining just stating an observation but I always look like frumpy mom when we see each other. (Kinda like when the Schwan's Man or the FedEx man comes before I have put my bra and clothes on for the day) Shut up it happens to you too. Or when you look like crap and decide to go to the grocery store for a quick item and see everyone in your ward there. Mmm hmm.

Anyway...We wave and say our usual hellos and I have my back to him because I was getting the mail out of the box when I hear Lucas SCREAM across the street.
"Hey! You are making a bad choice Mister!"

I turn ghostly white and look across the street and see the not so hot fireman smoking! I run Lucas inside and say with my heart pounding and my loudest voice possible (because I was utterly embarrassed) "What was he doing?"
(because I know he doesn't know what smoking is)

My son's response...
"He was chewing on pens, and we don't do that in this house. It was a very bad choice mom!"

I almost missed the seat I was about to sit in and burst out laughing, to which Lucas replies "It really isn't funny mom, the stink (ink) inside will get all over his shirt!"

I then gave him a hug and said you are right, here is a cookie for being such a good boy.
I love having a 3 year old by the way. :)

Can you tell what our FHE lesson was on last night?


Cardon Times said...

THAT is funny! Thanks for sharing! And I totally know what you mean about the 'frumpy mom look'.

shana said...

That made me laugh out loud. Kids are soooooooo funny!!!

Soon to be Uncle Theo said...

That was funny Val.

Auntie Stef said...

Ahhh hahaha. That's my nephew. I am so proud. Nice story telling too. I had fun reading it OUT LOUD while I was on the phone. We both started cracking up. Ah that was to good.

Jen said...

So adorable!!! What a good boy :)

Aaron and Amy said...

That is soooo hilarious!!! I love the little comments kiddos make.

Jami said...

That was so funny!!! I love the usage of the words "Mister" and "Stink". Love it! LOL!!!

katina said...

That's hilarious!!

Druciana said...

That is so funny! The great part is that smoking is a bad choice and it does actually get stink all over. lol

The Cleverley's said...

AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I can't believe how funny that is. Thanks for the story. My day is looking up already!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.