Sunday, September 20, 2009


The summer just came and went. A lot of our summer this year was spent with friends because Nathan travels all summer. We went to museums and parks and play dates, but mostly we hung out back...
I am not complaining, in fact I love it this way. I try not to run all of my errands with my kids because its not fair to them, so I worked out a little swap with my neighbor and was able to grocery shop or hit Target and such alone, it went a lot faster and I was more productive with sticking to a list. Lucas had a birthday this summer. Bridget's isn't far behind and this summer although I didn't get to go everywhere on my list we did just have a lot of fun spending time together. Scarlett has started really crawling and she is barely six months, everyone around me is growing soooo fast!
This boy is so crazy. :) With the summer being "gone" as my kids call it, Fall in Colorado is coming and it is my most favorite time of year. We started our fall with Soccer. I am the coach and so far we have only lost 1 game and it was the first. Yesterday Lucas scored and was so proud of himself. Nathan got a few great shots FINALLY! So here are a few of these...
Lucas is the 3rd youngest in the league. There are 14 teams of 8 and that is a lot of kids. He had a hard time the first game due to lack of sleep and because he has never played a team sport before. The second game he did better but this week (the one week Robert was out of town) he played and showed a lot of skills that I had never seen before. He was also a really good team player.

I have learned a lot about my children this summer and am looking forward to the fall so our family can have more time to be together and play and laugh. Sorry this is a weird blog, but after our wards HUGE service project yesterday I have been feeling so reflective on my life and where I am in it. I am grateful for my family my friends and my ward friends and family without them I would lead such a sad and different life.

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About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.