Thursday, September 3, 2009

Berry Fun Day

Laura and her kids came to visit me (and her parents) so I thought hitting up Berry Patch Farms again would be fun...and it was until I smashed Maddi's finger in the van door and while we were tending to her Bridget got her leg pecked by a rooster 2x! Its funny how when it is someone else's kid you feel so terrible and guilty, but when it is your own kid your first response is "You shouldn't have had your hand there in the first place!" :)

Here are the kids picking Razzies and Strawberries...

My baby who was a little fussy was so weird.

They really liked the tractor ride over there...

More berries.

I have never seen such shiny strawberries. They were such a cute size too!

Then we parted ways so my kids could nap and then they came over to play and Laura and I could share fun stories. We also did an art project that will be posted tomorrow. HERE. We had so much fun chatting while the kids were playing out back that Nathan who got home 15 minutes late even got to say hello to the kids. Time just flew by so fast.

It was such an awesome day for me and my kids and I am glad they could fit us in on their short trip to Denver!


Jen said...

Love that place. Sounds like you had another fun day there!

Auntie Stef said...

MMM Strawberries and rasberries, yummy. That would have gone very well with my cheescake yesterday but I settled with cherries.

They look like they had fun, but there aren't any good pix of the kids faces :( new desktop for me.

I will call you later!

Laura said...

We had SO much fun! and Ya know what? Two days later, Madison's finger didn't even look like it was ever smashed so dont' feel too bad. I would have yelled too;)I'm glad you had a great time on your Fort Collins trip. I'm missing Colorado already!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.