Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Fort Collins Adventure (day two)

Sunday morning we were hoping to have a relaxed and relatively chill start to the day but the kids just couldn't contain themselves...
So we had a bed jumping contest. Bridget even attempted to jump from bed to bed. Scarlett just squealed with excitement. It was pretty cute. After all of the fun we got dressed and went to breakfast.

It was weirdly foggy for 8:30am but we decided to continue on our day. Our first stop was the Swetsville Zoo. A cool and free little place right off the freeway.
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The kids LOVED this place. We were there for about an hour!
We also considered buying a new bike for our ever growing family...
Except there is no way we could make it to California on this thing!

After that it was time for our next stop...
Fossil Creek Park
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This park was awesome. It had plenty to do for all ages and Nathan even had a great time!

We decided to drive up to Horsetooth Reservoir, which was such a pretty drive and we got out to stretch our legs and feel the water.
We were upset we didn't stay longer but it was time for lunch and nap. So we packed everyone up and went back to the hotel...I surprised the kids with a picnic lunch in bed! They thought this was so cool!
We put the kids down for nap at 12:45 (which is later than normal) and I got some squishy time with Scarlett.
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Then my baby passed out.
After nap we went to a local elementary school and flew some kites! They were a dollar at Walmart a few months ago!
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The kids had fun but saw the playground and ran over to it, so Nathan manned the kites.
I watched him and looked down and noticed this...
I think its time to buy a new car seat!
We went to Chili's for dinner and our total cost for day #2 was $26.34
Our hotel was free again because Nathan earns points for all of his travel and so we were able to use them for this particular trip. Another perk to his work travel schedule!


Auntie Stef said...

Wow they look like they had fun! I remmber the bed jumping on our trip to Florida. Looks like a good time. Nathan did a good job picking such an exciting place!

*jess* said...

great pics...and looks like all three kiddos had fun!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.