Wednesday, September 23, 2009

41 degrees and counting

We had Scarlett's 6 month check up today, I tell the kids to get their clothes on and meet me at the door. I promised the kids they could wear their snow jackets and snow boots because I knew it would be cold. Lucas asked if he could wear his new sweatshirt that Grandma Horn bought for him and I agreed as long as he was ready to go when the time came. I load everyone up and see my kids running outside...

All I could see what little boxer briefs and "miderman boots" (Bridget)
I scream out "Lucas where are your jeans?" He says I just really wanted to see the 41 degrees! I said "It is freezing outside where is your beanie?" Oh mom they are right next to my jeans, and I don't need them anyway I have my new hoodie and my boots! "You need pants Lucas" I say and he gives me this face...
You got it mom!
Bridget said "My picture please!"
So I took one and chased them inside. My kids are so crazy!
I love the fall.


The Rogers said...

I love that you let him stay out in the cold to take a picture. I would have done the same.

The Cleverley's said...

What I can't believe is that you HAD your camera and was ready to take the pictures. Mine is never in a good place when something funny like that happens. I got a good little giggle from this. Thanks!

Chaney said...

Awesome, I love his face...well and it is pretty funny that he didn't have pants on. At least he had that much, Phillip has been known to walk out in nothing but underwear and shoes.

Where did you get Bridget's boots? They're cute!

Courtney said...

How cute is that!! I love the outfit! Good job Lucas!

Druciana said...

That is such a Nathan face! lol

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Her boots were a mint condition handmedown from some friends of ours, Lucas's too! They give us great stuff!

Melissa said...

So funny and so cute!

Jared said...

He only has a few years when not wearing pants is socially acceptable. Let him enjoy that time.

Danielle Smith said...

I am so glad you posted about this. This is the perfect example of the influence of Little Bear. Thank you for documenting this!!
PS-Bridget's coat is the first cute puffy coat I have seen. It has passed the test.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.