Monday, September 28, 2009

Hips Don't Lie - Shakira

This baby has been giving us a run for our money over the past two weeks. She didn't have the classic signs for anything, but was extremely fussy and whiny. I thought growth spurt, nope. Teething, nope. Tired, Nope. Hungry, Nope. I was so frustrated and concerned all at the same time and then I noticed something weird. She wasn't using her left leg. She would fake use it in the jumper, she crawled with it straight and when she was sitting up she leaned to the right side. Her appointment was on Thursday so I thought 2 days isn't that big of a deal. Thursday cam and the doctor told me she dislocated her hip. Well her leg and sent us to radiology. The problem was that it was 38 outside, I had all of my kids and only packed 2 fruit snacks!

We managed to get there okay but Scarlett just cried and cried, and she is such a happy baby. The radiologist sent us to The Children's Hospital to see the Hip Specalist on Monday.

Friday came and after a beautiful funeral for a sweet baby in our ward we brought the Rogers some comic relief. Dinner and a break - since her husband was out of town. On the way home we had to go to the ER because her leg swelled up into a GIANT balloon (right where her hip was having problems) I thought if Dr. Campbell hadn't messed with it she would have been fine, but no they gave her something to reduce the swelling she was not fussy after that.

Saturday and Sunday were weird she wasn't crying just not herself, and today was the appointment. Her Joint popped back into place but there is a mini hairline fracture in her pelvis and the ball joint is rubbing on it. It is already healing so in a week or so she will start physical therapy and hopefully her legs will be the same size.

How did this happen? They think it was from birth She was in pike position for 4.5 days when I got to the hospital I was already a 5-6cm dilated so that is one of the reasons she was a C-Section. She isn't crying now, and so far all I have given her is Motrin. They will access her hips in 6 weeks after 2 more injections, but they are pretty sure she will be just fine. Just uncomfortable for 2 months. So until then she will be doing a lot of this... assumption is that so will her daddy. :)


The Cleverley's said...

Wow. That is so sad. She must have some am amazing pain tolerance to put up with it that LONG. I hope it all heals up quickly.

The Halls said...

So sorry to hear about that! Wow, what a trooper though, what an amazing little girl. :)

Brittney and Michael said...

I was just thinking about you and wondering how the whole hip thing had turned out. I'm glad they were able to pop it back into place okay and that she's not too uncomfortable. I hope all continues to go well!

The Rogers said...

Poor Scarlett. I hope she isn't in too much pain. If you need or would like me to watch the older kids I would love to. Just let me know.

Melissa said...

Oh, that's sad. I hope all turns out well, that she heals fine.

Chaney said...

My niece had a similar problem. She had hip displasia and they didn't know it was out of socket until she started walking and was limping. Thankfully for Scarlett they figured it out! Poor thing!!

You'd be amazed what kids can recover from!!!

Druciana said...

Poor little baby! I'm sure it is not much fun for you either. It is so hard when they can't tell you what is wrong.

Veronica said...

Poor little one. She looks so sweet sleeping though. Brave baby!

Laura said...

Oh that poor sweet girl. I guess it's a good thing your kids are so TUFF! I hope you are all doing well with it. It's no fun to have a baby that is not at her best.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.