Monday, March 31, 2008


As I type those words it makes me think that some day I will have some (hopefully). I love when the Witte kids get together! Here is all four of them after Elijah's blessing on Sunday...
Obviously four kids under 3 was hard to capture, but I think these turned out pretty cute! I like that you can see their little personalities...
Bridget and Lucas lovin each other, Noah being silly and Elijah chillin...
Bridget pulling off the dress...the boys following direction...
And of course the last one turned out the best! :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy Saturday

1- We went out to Breakfast at Daylight Donuts...we didn't have donuts
2- Came home, painted some more, and then ate a light lunch
3- Went to Lowe's, Nathan and Lucas's FAV store, WM to pick up an DTV Converter
4- Grocery Shopping
5- Came home and cleaned up, ate dinner, baths etc...

I usually give Lucas some big chore to do to keep him busy while Nathan is working on his projects so today was the dishes...he loved it. He likes to unload the dishwasher but this was extra special...

While we were busy with the dishes and dinner, I peek over the ledge and see Bridget trying to crawl! She loves to be on her tummy, and now I know why! (She's trying to crawl!)

...and then it hit me...she is me!

I don't know how old I am in this picture, but isn't that bizarre? This is me in the red tights, one of my dad's favorite pics I think...aah the days of Orange/Brown shag carpet...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Playing Hookie

Spring Break, 4 kids, 75 degrees. These 3 factors alone would make some run away! Hahaha I asked Nathan to take the day off and he did. We went schwimming and flew a kite! Bridget liked the family hut tub the best, Lucas liked the wave pool. The other kids liked that I went down the slides with them and that I out swam them when we raced. I still got it! :)
Time for some serious swimming pictures...well, Bridget's first time in a pool pictures.
Isn't her suit cute? Here's the story...she is 4.5 months. I went to Target to get her suit and the smallest size they had was 9 months. So I got it. It was sooooo small, I had to return it for a 12 month suit! It is still a tad tight, but I mean seriously, she is 4.5 months! She is my Chunky Monkey for sure! :) Here is Lucas in his grown up suit that G'ma Joyce got for him last summer!
And then we had lunch and went to the park and went kite flying! It was an awesome day with Daddy!
It was windy in the afternoon, and a great day for a kite!
My babes in the sun...
A great day followed by a great dinner made by moi and I'd call it a practically perfect day.Wish me luck's a shot day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mini Rolf

So because this is spring break, and because Lucas likes to golf, and because I have Ali and Ethan this week, I thought lets go Miniature Golfing. I took 4 kids to Boondocks! AAAH!!! Here are some pictures of lil' Tiger Woods himself...

Then he figured out that is is easier to whack it and then chase it and then pic it up and put it in the cup with his hands...

We had a hard time with taking turns, the 8 year old and the 5 year old didn't understand that Golfing was Lucas's calling in the last 4 holes were a free-for-all...

They had a good time and hugged in the end and Bridget slept the entire time! Whew!

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Box

Lucas and Bridget got this box...

This is for my kids miss you a lot!
And thanks for a new Wrestling toy! The kids love the bunnies! Especially Bridget...she thinks the carrot is real! :)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Most of you know how I loathe Professional Pictures in a Studio with a cheesy background and cheesy props, but for some reason I was drawn to this particular backdrop and I had already purchased these outfits before Bridget was even born. In fact, I bought Lucas's last summer and once I saw the girl's version I hoped that I would be having a girl next. The week after I found out I was having a girl I called the store and had to have them ship me the very last one which happened to be in Oregon.

They were discontinuing this collection and I was so upset, but as usual I got what I wanted! :) So here they are; the pictures we had taken, although they are not how I would have had them done, they still turned out okay!

Next year I will take them. With our wacky Colorado weather it was next to impossible to do it on a day when Nathan was home to help me! I love Lucas and Bridget's Flintstone feet, and Bridget sucking her bottom lip so cute. :) Enjoy!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Egg Dying and Ice Playing

We went to Ryan and Veronica's house to dye easter eggs. I made dinner and dessert and it was gooood. The boys were more fascinated with the ice cooler I think but, that is a boy for you! :) Enjoy the slide show and video!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Prep

Well, because Spring Break is next week the schools are letting the kids get an extra day so today I watched Ali and Ethan. We made Easter Mobiles! I forgot to take pictures of theirs, but I did take some of Lucas's.

We used markers, finger paint, and color pencils. He didn't want to use the crayons because he always uses crayons. I asked him what he likes about easter and he said "coror eeggs" "eat candy beans" and "Noah's house" so that is what we attatched to the hanger. Pretty cute. Because I was with kids who color actual picture we were talking about how to draw people so I drew Lucas and Noah and decided to finish the picture...I know I know I should have been an artist! :) Let's examine the picture for a minute...I think I really captured the kids, except they are not in birth order but we will talk about that in a minute. Lucas is wearing a grean and yellow plaid shirt with jeans that's typical for him, and he is trying to grab Noah. Noah is wearing a sporty shirt with shorts and has his arm around Bridget. I picture this is how it will always be. Bridget has crazy hair, and a dress that not only matches Lucas but has a matching diaper cover...(insert laughs here) and Elijah is in a boppy, trying to be a part of the group. Lucas says "little boy for me" I have to remind him that he has a little girl not a little boy. Lucas is first because Noah doesn't really care he just wants to be by Bridget. :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Using our Words

No pictures on this one just an update on Lucas's vocabulary. We are working on learning everyone in the family's name. So this is what we have so far...

Diiiigit is Bridget or Digi-Do is Bridgey-Lou
Papa! is my dad usually high pitched and excited.
Hi Papa is Nathan's Dad
we are working on Grandma
Tef is Auntie Steph
His Mommy is Auntie Veronica
Wian is Uncle Ryan
Noah is Noah that was easy
Bebe is Elijah usually followed by boy bebe mine
Lizzzzzz is Auntie Liz he likes to zzzzip so Lizzzzz was easy.
Unkie Candy is Uncle Cory. Wonder Why.
Unkie hair is Jared
Unkie when is Ben
He hasn't seen Uncle Chris in a long time
No! when I ask him to say Uncle Spencer
Awex is Uncle Alex. Since Alex isn't big he doesn't say uncle? weird.
His favorite person is Aaaa-Eeee that is Ali he loves her.
His primary teacher is "hey tall man" Bro. Mickelson is pretty tall!
Lucas still says a lot of words corrrectly, its just funny to hear him say names. I was Val for awhile, because Noah calls me Val. I still like it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

owies and rolf

Today was a weird day. Bridget was in a funk, Lucas was being a punk and I didn't know what to do. After nap, Lucas woke up crying so we went to go check the mail, because when he was a baby the only way I could get him to immediatley stop crying was to take him outside. So on our way outside to the mailbox Lucas noticed "those" he was referring to our daffodills. They just bloomed! On our way back into the house I noticed this:How this happened I really do not know, but it's funny! Then I called to Lucas to come up the stairs and he fell down 3 of them, which resulted in this:Owies on the nose. He cried for a bit and then said rolf! I said okay lets go get the stuff. So we did
and this is Lucas playing "Rolf"

I love this one his belly is so cute. Kinda reminds me of my Grandpa Jerry!

And that was our fun afternoon! Here is a video for my Father's Enjoyment! We are working on rotating it!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Here it is. the moment you all have been waiting for...

Bridget can sit up and eat cereal! (and the crowd goes wild)

Some pictures of my chunky monkey! Please note: We have not been starving the girl she is 4 months and weighs almost 17 pounds. That is in the 94th percentile! Way to go Horn Side! We have big babies! These pictures will make you think this is her first meal in days.

Before I start, I feel like I have had a "full circle moment" here you go Oprah. When I was 10 I believe, I begged my parents for a Baby Alive Baby. You get food packets, mix with water and then basically pour/spoon feed this baby who mechanically moves its mouth and immediatley after poops the liquid paste you just gave it. This is what it looked like:

Gross Right? Well this is what Bridget gets to eat. Rice Cereal mixed with formula and water...yummy! So when I was 10 and wanted to be Mommy and thought it was so cool, now has become everyday life, and the food is still gross and the poop is smelly!

So Cute! She really was having a good time!

I couldn't resist adding pictures of
Lucas at the same age! So sweet!

If there was ever any doubt if they were siblings, these pictures pretty much sums it up....they have their father's table manners! Hahaha Just Kidding!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.