Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Playing Hookie

Spring Break, 4 kids, 75 degrees. These 3 factors alone would make some run away! Hahaha I asked Nathan to take the day off and he did. We went schwimming and flew a kite! Bridget liked the family hut tub the best, Lucas liked the wave pool. The other kids liked that I went down the slides with them and that I out swam them when we raced. I still got it! :)
Time for some serious swimming pictures...well, Bridget's first time in a pool pictures.
Isn't her suit cute? Here's the story...she is 4.5 months. I went to Target to get her suit and the smallest size they had was 9 months. So I got it. It was sooooo small, I had to return it for a 12 month suit! It is still a tad tight, but I mean seriously, she is 4.5 months! She is my Chunky Monkey for sure! :) Here is Lucas in his grown up suit that G'ma Joyce got for him last summer!
And then we had lunch and went to the park and went kite flying! It was an awesome day with Daddy!
It was windy in the afternoon, and a great day for a kite!
My babes in the sun...
A great day followed by a great dinner made by moi and I'd call it a practically perfect day.Wish me luck's a shot day!


Jen said...

Girl, I am checking out your blog ALL THE TIME!!! Believe me, I am probably half the tallied amount!!! Anyway - I love it! But you need to let me in on your secret...I have been googling this with NO you pay for your blog templates or do you find them free somewhere!?! I want to be just like you...or at least have my blog look as good as yours!

Miss you,
Jen Evans

Emily S. said...

FUN pictures and a fun day!

(I just redid my son's blog header... then noticed we used some of the same things!! We have good taste!)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.