Saturday, March 29, 2008

Busy Saturday

1- We went out to Breakfast at Daylight Donuts...we didn't have donuts
2- Came home, painted some more, and then ate a light lunch
3- Went to Lowe's, Nathan and Lucas's FAV store, WM to pick up an DTV Converter
4- Grocery Shopping
5- Came home and cleaned up, ate dinner, baths etc...

I usually give Lucas some big chore to do to keep him busy while Nathan is working on his projects so today was the dishes...he loved it. He likes to unload the dishwasher but this was extra special...

While we were busy with the dishes and dinner, I peek over the ledge and see Bridget trying to crawl! She loves to be on her tummy, and now I know why! (She's trying to crawl!)

...and then it hit me...she is me!

I don't know how old I am in this picture, but isn't that bizarre? This is me in the red tights, one of my dad's favorite pics I think...aah the days of Orange/Brown shag carpet...

1 comment:

brieanne. said...

cute new layout. changed the recipe blog... the brights were a trial! i don't know how you find so much time to post because it seems you're always busy having fun!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.